The family dog follows the kids to school, appears in the principal’s office, and the video goes viral… Watch the funny story below…

Sandy adores his family and is constantly eager to participate in their activities. If he had his way, the adoring labradoodle would be by their side every second of the day.

Every morning, however, the children wake up and walk to school, and despite Sandy’s repeated requests, he is never allowed to accompany them.

All he can do now is sit and wait for them to return.

At least, that’s how it generally goes. However, one morning when the entire family was more distracted than normal, Sandy recognized an opportunity and seized it.

Sandy sneaked out of the house when the kids were distracted, and then he followed them all the way to school without being noticed.

Sandy made himself known as soon as they arrived at school, and everyone thought the cunning dog’s activities were hilarious.

But, despite the fact that Sandy had finally followed the kids to school, he quickly discovered that he would not be allowed to stay.

Sandy was taken to the principal’s office, where the befuddled but amused staff began calling Sandy’s mother, Karen Manthey, to arrange for her to come to pick him up.

Manthey, on the other hand, had turned off her phone.

One of Manthey’s neighbors happened to swing by the school and, to her surprise, discovered a very familiar-looking Labradoodle cheerfully peeking out through the blinds in the principal’s office as the school was trying to figure out what to do about the cheeky dog now.

She texted Manthey, asking whether it was her puppy, and took a humorous photo of the delighted dog.

Because Manthey was unable to be located, the school eventually allowed her daughter to walk Sandy home.

Manthey thought it hysterically funny once she turned her phone on again and caught up on the events of the day.

She was concerned, however, that the scenario might not have amused the school, so she dropped over to apologize for the mischievous puppy’s antics.

However, as she arrived, she discovered that everyone thought it was as amusing as she did. All they needed was for her to give them a picture of Sandy peeking through the slats, which she did.

Sandy is said to be very happy with himself, so the family may have to keep a closer eye on him in the future; there’s little question the small pup will try his luck again.

Watch the video below:

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The family dog follows the kids to school, appears in the principal’s office, and the video goes viral… Watch the funny story below…
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