The lonely kitty seems to cry when his owner checks on him on the security camera… Watch the emotional video below…

In China, a pet cat became viral after crying into a security camera while left alone at home during the holidays.

Fu Fu, a two-year-old British Shorthair, allegedly grieved when his owner called his name through the home monitor, according to his owner.

Ms. Meng, the cat’s owner, said she was checking on the cat using a camera app on her phone when she observed the ‘heartbreaking’ scene.

Ms. Meng had gone to her parent’s home in a nearby town to celebrate the Lunar New Year when the CCTV footage was taken on the night of February 8 in eastern China’s Xuzhou.

The video, which has over 8 million likes, catapulted Fu Fu into social media fame, earning him the nickname “left-behind cat.”

Ms. Meng told MailOnline that she didn’t bring Fu Fu because she was afraid he wouldn’t adjust to her parents’ home.

Fu Fu is shy and clingy, according to her, and she enjoys spending time with him.

Ms. Meng had prepared enough food and water for Fu Fu before her trip and would monitor camera footage on a regular basis to assure his safety.

After Ms. Meng called his name Fu Fu through the monitor, the trending video shows Fu Fu purring with tears in his eyes.

“Do you miss me,” Ms. Meng says in the video, adding, “I’ll be back in a few days.”

Fu Fu turns around to gaze at the door when Ms. Meng’s voice plays, then return to contact the camera with his paw.

“When I saw this, I was heartbroken,” Ms. Meng admitted. She eventually cut her trip short to return to Fu Fu, she claimed.

“I had planned to spend a week with my parents, but we all returned to Xuzhou early,” she explained.

Ms. Meng posted a follow-up video on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, showing Fu Fu racing eagerly towards Ms. Meng once she returned home four days later.

Weepy eyes in cats can indicate a variety of ailments, including eye infections and blocked tear ducts. Ms. Meng, on the other hand, insisted that Fu Fu was perfectly well. She reported that when Fu Fu was anxious or hungry, he would cry a lot.

On Douyin, Fu Fu’s weeping video has received over 250,000 comments, with web users flocking to express their love for the cat.

“My heart melted when I saw Fu Fu’s eyes,” one fan commented.

“I feel so awful for him,” added another spectator.

“He didn’t miss you,” a third person joked. “He was missing his fish.”

Watch the video here:

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The lonely kitty seems to cry when his owner checks on him on the security camera… Watch the emotional video below…
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