Age is just a number for the oldest cat, whose story went viral, to be adopted again…

After an appeal for a “special retirement home” went viral globally, a cat claimed to be the oldest ever in the RSCPA’s care found a new owner.

Morag, who is almost 100 years old in cat years, was surrendered to the Worcester RSPCA by her previous owners.

Despite fears that Morag would struggle to find a home due to her age and scruffy look, the charity’s social media appeal was shared over 3,000 times and reached people all over the world.

“We received offers of homes from Michigan, Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania, as well as Australia and Japan,” said Ned Cotton, the rehoming center’s manager.

“We never imagined her story would go as viral as it did, but a 21-year-old cat seeking for a retirement home to spend the rest of her days seemed to strike a chord with people, and we were flooded with inquiries and offers of homes for her.”

People not only sent messages of well will but also gifts and toys for the senior moggy, Nick said, adding that they were “totally overwhelmed” by the response.

Despite all of the proposals from around the world, Morag was eventually adopted by a family that lived near the Worcester rescue center where her journey began.

Her new owners claim she loves being carried up for a cuddle, and that she enjoys sleeping, mooching around in the garden and upstairs, as well as eating.

“We’re overjoyed that she’s found such a great home to call her own, and we’re confident she’ll be lavishly indulged and adored there,” Nick added.

This section of the RSPCA has a long history of successfully rehoming older cats. Violet (16), Joy (15), Angel (11), Holly (10), Teddy (10), Barbara (19), and Bernard (19) are seven elderly cats that have already found homes this year (19).

“Age is just a number, and rehoming an older pet can be quite fulfilling,” said Claire Wood, a branch employee.

“You’re providing them the finest possible life in their golden years, and we’ll always do everything we can to make sure that every animal that comes into our care, young or old, has a happy conclusion.”

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Age is just a number for the oldest cat, whose story went viral, to be adopted again…
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