The story of a cat who loves cinnamon bottles… Here’s why…

We all know how much our cats like playing with their toys. Whether it’s stuffed mousies, balls to bat under furniture and then lose, or feathery items to hang from a scratching post, there’s something for them. This is, however, the tale of a cat and his, um…cinnamon bottle. Winston Naughty Paws is the name of a cat who is as cute and rowdy as they come.

Winston’s mother, Emily, tells Cole and Marmalade that she believes Winston’s passion for his cinnamon bottles stems from the fact that they perfectly suit his little paws.

“There’s nothing like napping in my box with my cinnamon,” Winston’s humor Emily writes.

This cuddle bug, who is between the ages of three and four, was adopted by Emily and her husband from a local shelter in the Boston region where they live. Soon after, they discovered Winston’s fondness for cinnamon bottles and warm sweaters. Most cats do not share this cutie’s fondness for wearing sweaters, so he is clearly an outlier.

Winston, on the other hand, began vibrating with cinnamon bottles after Emily and her boyfriend had finished the last one and set it on the windowsill to be hauled out with the recyclables later in the day, according to Discovery Time. Winston, on the other hand, had different plans and took it for himself. It was now completely his, and he embraced it in his box.

Winston’s preference for cinnamon bottles first perplexed Emily and her partner. He’d cuddle with it for hours before becoming agitated when they took it away.

“He has a really powerful grab-and-pull reflex,” Emily explained, “so any time he’s snuggling with the bottle, he’s very resistant to it being taken away.” “He’ll wrap both arms around it and cuddle it to his chest.”

Winston’s parents eventually recognized that the spice bottle was the ideal toy for him because he couldn’t bite through the hard plastic and his small mouth couldn’t reach all the way around it.

“We haven’t had to take it away from him because of that,” Emily explains. Winston “is obsessed with food, and just eating in general, to the point that he will practically devour his toys, especially the soft ones,” so this was a wonderful thing.

I’m relieved that they’ve discovered something that won’t hurt this adorable little guy. And when you add in his fondness for cozy sweaters, you’ve got yourself a one-of-a-kind feline.

Winston loves fuzzy sweaters because they give him warm fuzzies when he’s nervous and a little rowdy. “He’s pretty crazy,” Emily says, “and the sweaters quiet him down!” “Plus, we live in a frigid climate,” she continued. One thing is certain: Winston’s sweaters and cinnamon bottles are what makes him so adorable! He appears to be at ease in his box below, wearing that blue sweater and holding his toy doughnut and cinnamon bottle. Why can’t life be this straightforward all of the time?

Winston is also a cat with a mind of his own, as evidenced by the Halloween photographs below. And, since Winston is Winston, Emily started spreading his cuteness on TikTok. With over 40,000 followers and over 1.2 million “likes,” he is undeniably popular.

“Halloween greetings!” “I was adamant about not taking a family photo.”

Emily says she’s going to grad school to become a Clinical Psychologist, but “hasn’t determined which program/where she’ll be moving!” This sounds like a fantastic opportunity! We’re also relieved that lovely green-eyed baby Winston will be able to snuggle with his cinnamon bottles and cozy sweaters.

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The story of a cat who loves cinnamon bottles… Here’s why…
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