This kitten’s perfectly imperfect face and beautiful heart melt everyone’s heart… Read on her story below…

Meet Pinocchio, a sweet little kitten with a wonderfully imperfect crooked face caused by a congenital defect.

Pinocchio is remarkable in that he appears to be entirely oblivious of his differences and refuses to let anything stop him from living a full life.

Friends for Life Rescue Network founder Jacqueline Santiago fell in love with Pinocchio the moment she saw him. When she met him in person, she was taken aback by how distinctive he was.

“Until he arrived, I couldn’t tell what was wrong with his face,” Santiago told. “On first meetings, he was very, very kind,” Santiago added. “Right away, he purred.”

She went on to say, “Pinocchio isn’t the shy sort.” “He has a lot of self-assurance and meets everyone practically instantly.”

“He rushes up to anybody who enters the room and perches on their shoulder,” she continued. “He loves to play and bounce around, and he rubs on you.” He’s a genuinely joyful person who adores everyone, including other humans, cats, and dogs.”

Due to his misaligned jaw, he can only eat wet food and has had some medical concerns during his time in foster care.

Now that Pinocchio is slowly recuperating, it’s difficult to predict how his health issues will evolve as he grows older.

“We don’t accept any applications or queries during treatment since we don’t yet know the full breadth of what his future demands will be,” Santiago explained. “We know what his needs are now, but they may alter as he grows and changes.”

Hopefully, he will find a forever family who will accept him for who he is while also being able to accommodate his unique requirements.

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This kitten’s perfectly imperfect face and beautiful heart melt everyone’s heart… Read on her story below…
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