A heartbroken dog had spent her entire life as a stray, until an unexpected thing happened…

Every day of Helen’s existence revolved around surviving.

The little dog had spent her entire life as a stray in Romania, never having known the security and comfort of having a home and a family.

Helen feared she’d never get to experience anything other than misery and loneliness after spending years just fighting to remain alive on the cold and hazardous streets.

However, things changed when a tourist happened to notice her.

While on vacation in Romania, a woman came across a sad-looking dog sleeping on the street.

Her heart ached for the stray, and while many people would have continued walking, this woman chose to intervene.

She contacted the Romanian animal rescue organization Howl Of A Dog, which rescues and rehomes animals in need.

They immediately dispatched a team of rescuers to bring the stray in after receiving the woman’s call.

While waiting for the rescuers to arrive, the woman wanted to learn more about the stray’s condition.

She spoke with numerous store owners and discovered that the dog had lived in the neighborhood for several years.

The stray would come and beg for leftovers on a regular basis, and they assumed she’d been a stray her entire life.

Every day of her life, the poor little pup had had to fend for herself, worrying about where she would find shelter and her next meal.

The woman stayed with the puppy until the rescuers arrived and she was confident that the dog was in good hands.

The rescuers carefully persuaded the puppy to accompany them, and they drove back to the shelter for two hours.

They were concerned about the little stray, whom they named Helen, and wanted to have her examined as quickly as possible.

She was likely hungry as well as suffering from infection or sickness, as well as other untreated medical conditions, after surviving on the streets for so long.

Helen had the tick-borne disease Anaplasmosis, which the vet discovered when she returned to the shelter.

Helen had most certainly spent the last six years on the streets, according to the vet.

But now, those dreadful years were behind her, and a new, lighter chapter of her life awaited her.

Her Anaplasmosis was treated with medications, and she received all of the care she need to grow strong and healthy.

Helen was put up for adoption after her health issues were resolved, and she immediately found exactly what she was hoping for.

When a family came to the shelter, they immediately recognized Helen as a member of their family.

Helen had finally found her home after six years of loneliness and suffering.

Helen can now wake up every day feeling secure, loved, and content.

Helen is now living a life she could never have imagined before thanks to that woman’s simple phone call.

She has everything she could ever desire or require, and she is overjoyed.

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A heartbroken dog had spent her entire life as a stray, until an unexpected thing happened…
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