You will get surprised to see who is this senior cat’s best buddy… Check out the photos to know, it’s hilarious…

Baby is a 10-year-old cat who is enjoying her twilight years in the manner in which everyone should. The cat enjoys nothing more than taking naps and cuddling with her best friend, a decorative rock, in her favorite spot. Yes, you read that correctly – Baby enjoys spending time with her rock, which happens to be a cat, and considers him to be her best friend.

The senior cat was born without a tail, but it has had no effect on her overall quality of life. She’s just like any other cat in that she enjoys sleeping and lounging around the house, searching for new napping spots throughout the day. She also enjoys taking naps in the backyard, so there isn’t a single spot in the house where she hasn’t laid her head.

Baby’s owners recently purchased a decorative rock in the shape of a cat for their garden. They adore cats and thought it was adorable, but they couldn’t have imagined that Baby would become so attached to it. She adores it so much that not a single day goes by without her cuddling up to the rock in the backyard. She sleeps next to it every night, and ever since the photos were posted online, they’ve gained widespread attention.

And who can blame people for liking what they saw on social media? Take a look at how much Baby adores her newfound companion.

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You will get surprised to see who is this senior cat’s best buddy… Check out the photos to know, it’s hilarious…
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