This cutie knows how to bring humour and creativity in people… Check out the photos to see for yourself…

After two photos of him “smiling” were made into a popular meme, a dashingly photogenic feline has gone global.

The feline is seen smiling enthusiastically in the photos, as if he had cracked a joke that is so awful it’s good.

People fell in love with the cheerful kitty and wrote numerous amusing comments and jokes on the post after seeing the photos.

Some users went even further, using the photos as a template to create their own “dad joke” memes. Chestnut is the name of the feline who inspired the viral meme.

His endearing tiny face and hilariously meme-able look rapidly won him a slew of fans.

Now, many people just know him as the “dad joke” cat.

But he’s actually named Chestnut.

And he’s such a sweetheart!

His happy face accurately conveys the joy you feel when you surprise a friend with a terrible pun.

While our pals moaned and complained, we all smiled like that.

We’ve all been on the receiving end of it as well. Boo!!

Chestnut, on the other hand, makes us want to exclaim “aww” instead of “ugh.”

Because you can get away with practically anything when you’re this cute. Even puns are welcome!

Chestnut has a way of bringing out people’s wit and ingenuity.

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This cutie knows how to bring humour and creativity in people… Check out the photos to see for yourself…
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