A man converts his newly bought entertainment center into a private kitty bathroom… Look at the results here…

This man purchased an entertainment center for himself, but it was quickly discovered that his cats enjoyed it more. So it occurred to him that he could change it to serve two purposes rather than just one.

He just refreshed it by repainting it. Then he drilled holes from one cubby to the next. The doors of the two center cubbies were then removed, leaving only the outer two cubbies with doors. Their beds were in the area without doors. Litter boxes were placed inside the ones without doors so that they could enter through the holes and do their business in privacy.

He got this entertainment center on Craigslist for himself at first, but it soon became evident that his cats wanted it as well.

He discovered he could adapt the bottom storage for his kitty buddies after lightening it up with white paint and removing the top.

That’s when he decided to carry it into his bedroom and use a jigsaw to cut holes in the center doors and the insides of the storage compartments.

The addition of a carpet to the bottom middle compartment would help to keep loose litter from dropping out of the entertainment center.

The simple part was simply putting the litter boxes inside at each end and closing the doors, which surprisingly worked wonders in hiding the smell!

There’s no way to tell there are any litter boxes inside!

And it’s safe to say the cats are happy with their new place.

What a creative young man!

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A man converts his newly bought entertainment center into a private kitty bathroom… Look at the results here…
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