VIDEO: Reunited with the cow who raised him as a puppy, a dog breaks down in tears of joy… Tap down here to see the sweetest moment…

Animals never cease to amaze us with their ability to experience emotions and love.

We hear stories over and over again about the unique and delicate relationships that may develop between animals and their animal friends.

This is the type of story that confirms the fact that they are capable of displaying empathy and feeling human emotions in the first place.

A tiny brown dog named Rookie and his best buddy in the entire world – a cow, are the central characters of the story.

She’s a dairy cow, and she also happens to be his “real” mother, as he had been abandoned as a baby.

She’s frequently observed licking Rookie’s coat and nuzzling him, and the doggo has even been seen sitting or napping on the cow’s back.

Because of their unusual link, when the time came for the cow to be sold, Rookie went from being a happy and lively puppy to being the most sad dog on the face of the planet.

They had no choice but to sell the cow, even though it would be difficult for him. They couldn’t afford to have two cows, so selling one was the only option.

The mama cow was removed from the area where she and her kid Rookie had been spending their time together as part of the preparations for selling her.

The moment the cow was moved outside, Rookie’s anguish became clear, and he began wailing and sobbing, his face reflecting a look of complete and utter sorrow.

When he was separated from his “mother”, his eyes began to become wet to the point that he almost appeared to be shedding actual tears in his eyes.

Their farewell was difficult to witness, as the puppy can be seen walking upon the threshold while screaming out to the cow – but by that point, his mother had vanished totally from view.

After all was said and done, the agile pup took off down the street when he heard a mooing in the distance. His owner chased after him as he ran.

He tracked down the cow’s new home, which turned out to be another barn in the hamlet that was close enough to Rookie’s shelter to be useful.

When the pup spotted the cow, he couldn’t keep his excitement contained, and he began barking and hopping around, eager to lick the cow’s face.

However, the reunion did not last long, and Rookie’s owner eventually tracked him down and sent him back to his home, despite his protests.

After returning home, Rookie was inconsolable, he had lost his customary zeal, and he had completely lost his appetite.

Rookie was inconsolable at home, losing his typical excitement and even his appetite. The owners got concerned about his melancholy since all he did was wander around the enclosure, waiting for his mother cow to return.

The owners couldn’t take it any longer and decided to bring his mother back, as well as introducing a new doggo companion for Rookie to play with!

All of this can be seen in the video below, where you can witness true love and trust from the start as the two share kisses.

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VIDEO: Reunited with the cow who raised him as a puppy, a dog breaks down in tears of joy… Tap down here to see the sweetest moment…
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