A shelter cat gives a girl the biggest hug imaginable… What happens next is just amazing…

Tim, an adorable little shelter cat, gave a volunteer a bear hug and then wouldn’t let go of the volunteer’s arms. This occurred during a meeting at the Potsdam Humane Society in Potsdam, New York.

As Rachel Griggs explained on Reddit, “I started weeping at the animal shelter when one cat grabbed me and nuzzled into the back of my neck.”

This is what you call an extremely loving hug!

As a college student living on campus, she was not permitted to keep pets in her dorm room. However, the love and attention she received from the shelter cat was overwhelming, and she began the process of transporting the cat to her mother’s house.

He held on to me for the entire time, and it was very wonderful.”

It was love at first sight, and their encounter was meant to be.

Thanks for reading! Please share this touching story with your cat-lover friends on Facebook.

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A shelter cat gives a girl the biggest hug imaginable… What happens next is just amazing…
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