The dog that saved 100 koalas during the Australian bushfires received a Special Recognition Award… Tap here for more…

Bushfires in Australia wreaked havoc on the country’s animals and vegetation. In addition to the drought, fires ravaged thousands of farmers’ livelihoods and cost millions of dollars in damage at the same time. Many animals, including koalas, were seriously damaged or killed as a result of the strength of it.

The Australian Koala Conservation Society estimates that around 60,000 koalas were killed or injured during the disaster. A large number of them perished, but the majority were saved thanks to the efforts of volunteers, firemen, and service animals. There’s always someone who’s prepared to give up their life for the sake of the community, but this particular dog may surprise you with how kind and caring he is.

Bear is the name of the koala rescuer who saved over 100 koalas during the Australian bushfires. His courage account has gone viral on the Internet, touching the hearts of millions.

Bear, according to his owner, was particularly trained for koalas. Before being officially on the job, the dog had to pass a series of patience and perseverance examinations at USC and IFAW. He was a member of the dog detection team for conservation.

The owner decides to establish an Instagram account exclusively for Bear and his times at work. Here are some lovely photographs that will help you comprehend his life better:

Bear seems to be a very active dog. He’s also a brilliant teenage boy. He’s the only dog in Australia that has been taught and can smell koala fur to discover them. Needless to add, what he has done helps to the protection of Australian animal species and biodiversity.

As a result, the International Fund for Animal Welfare in the United Kingdom honoured him with the Special Recognition Award in 2020. In addition to the award, the six-year-old Australian Koolie was presented with a golden medal in recognition of his courageous deeds.

We are delighted for Bear because we believe he has earned it!

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The dog that saved 100 koalas during the Australian bushfires received a Special Recognition Award… Tap here for more…
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