This cat was so matted he couldn’t even walk… Watch him now by scrolling down the photos below…

One night in Hampton Bays, New York, a woman was traveling when she noticed a strange animal sitting in the middle of the road, motionless.

She got out of her car to see if she could assist the animal, but it turned out to be a cat.

Scarlett, the cat, was so matted that it was difficult to tell she was a cat at all.

Scarlett was transported to the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF), where her condition astounded the caretakers.

“She’d grown a lot of hair. In my seven years at the shelter, it was the most matted cat I’d ever seen “SASF’s head of the Advo-Cat program, Linda Goldsmith, stated in a press release. “The mat was so terrible that she couldn’t walk or move.”

Scarlett had fleas, ticks, and ear mites, and she was severely thirsty and hungry. She was about 15 years old and was also a senior cat. She hasn’t been looked after in a long time.
Underneath the matted coat, a gorgeous cat was discovered after hours of shaving and grooming.

Scarlett was looking like a whole new kitty after IV fluids, a good meal, and a lot of TLC from everyone on the medical staff.

“We are so delighted we found Scarlett in time, and we appreciate the Good Samaritan who brought her to us,” said Kate McEntee, SASF’s director of public relations and marketing. “She is doing well and is ready to be adopted by a loving family.”

Scarlett is looking for a peaceful environment in which to spend the rest of her life.

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This cat was so matted he couldn’t even walk… Watch him now by scrolling down the photos below…
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