A stray kitten climbs onto the shoulder of a cyclist and refuses to let go until… Check out the photos to know what happened then…

As we all know, most of the time you don’t get to choose your cat; rather, the cat chooses you, and that’s exactly what happened to cyclist Madison Kelly after she finished a cycling race in South Chicago and came across a stray kitten discovered beneath a car by other bikers.

The racers set out on a search for anyone who might be interested in adopting the sad kitty. Kelly approached the group to take a closer look because she is a cat person. Madison decided to climb up on her shoulder while holding the little kitten, and that was the moment the cat selected Madison to be her everlasting mother. Madison gave her the name Puig, which translates to “podium” in Latin and “climb” in Catalan.

Madison may not have won the race, but she did walk away with something far more significant.

Madison and Puig’s story demonstrates that people do not choose their cats, but rather the opposite occurs most of the time. Madison knew she’d been picked the moment Puig climbed up her shoulder, so she decided to take the kitten home with her.

When they got in the car, the little one wanted to inspect the interior first, but as soon as she sat in the backseat, she leaped into Madison’s lap.

Puig purred the entire way back to Grand Rapids, Michigan, showing her happiness to her new family.

Puig was greeted with a warm bath and a dinner when he returned home.

Puig began her nefarious plots once she had adjusted to her new surroundings. She collects wet sponges and socks when she isn’t cuddling with Madison. Then she stashes her loot in odd places, mostly on Madison’s bed or beneath the sheets.

Madison rescued another cat in her honor after her 19-year-old cat, Kitsy, passed away. Puig was overjoyed to make friends with Waffle, the family’s newest addition.

Madison had the honor of being picked as Puig’s forever mother, and she continues to encourage others to adopt stray animals and find love that lasts a lifetime.

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A stray kitten climbs onto the shoulder of a cyclist and refuses to let go until… Check out the photos to know what happened then…
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