Friendship that can’t be broken between a Tabby and the neighboring cat… Scroll down to know more…

A neighbor cat came to the porch of a residence while Lancelot the tabby was out with his owner for some play time, and that is how this adventure started. They seemed to become buddies almost immediately. Since then, the neighbor’s cat hasn’t stopped appearing on the doorstep.

Lancelot enjoys going outdoors, but since he is only permitted to do so on a lead, he doesn’t make many friends. When a cat wanders through our yard, he gets a little too enthusiastic and bolts after it. A user on imgur named annagudbjorg described how “this one cat began to pop by and hang out with him on our porch.”

This CAT, NEIGHBOR CAT, started showing around on a very regular basis, and they ended up having a fight in the yard.”

Each and every day, our next-door neighbor’s cat comes to our back door and meows for us to come in and play with LANCELOT. The kids either wrestle around the house or hang out on the window sill, or they take a nap on the couch. A couple of hours later, neighbor cat meows at the door again and proceeds to go home.”

The fact that they are brothers has its advantages and disadvantages. Lancelot would like more personal space, the neighbor cat would not.”

The human and Lancelot head out one day to see where Neighbor Cat lives. “After their next play session, Lancelot and I decided to attempt to follow Neighbor Cat home!”

He eventually directed us to an open door that had a TINY KITTY DOOR in the corner, and he strolled through without a sound. Mr. Neighbor Cat was waiting for me when I knocked on the door!! For a split second, I was concerned that he had just wandered into some random person’s home, but the man who answered the door assured me that it was really his cat. AND I TOLD HIM ABOUT THEIR ADVENTURES TOGETHER AND HOW THEY ENJOYED THE COMPANY OF ONE ANOTHER.

He said that he had noticed that he would often be outside or otherwise not at home when it was really cold, but that when he returned home, he did not feel cold at all. He was overjoyed to learn that his cat had made such a good friend and that the two of them were getting along so well. Prior to embarking on our return journey, I asked about Mr. Neighbor Cat’ name… “It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you all: LOKI.”

No matter how hard they wrestle, run about, or sneakily attach themselves to one another, at the end of the day, Lancelot and Loki just love spending their time together and being the best of friends.

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Friendship that can’t be broken between a Tabby and the neighboring cat… Scroll down to know more…
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