After an adventure, this cat returns with a receipt for three fish… Read on to have some laugh…

A small Thai cat chose to leave his home and embark on a brief but beneficial journey.

The intrepid tabby went missing for three days before sauntering back home and acting as though he’d only been gone for a few minutes.

The cat appeared to be pretty pleased with himself, and his family quickly learned that it wasn’t only the excitement of being on an adventure that had made him so content.

Around his neck hung a little note, and when his family read it, they learned that their kitty had been living a life of luxury and had been treating himself to some fishy delicacies.

The note was written by a vendor at the local fish market and, translated into English, it went something like this: “Your cat kept eyeing the mackerels at my stall, so I gave him three.”

The merchant had also written down her contact information so that the family could locate her.

The small kitty had amassed quite a debt, and he appeared perfectly content to let his family foot the bill.

Fortunately, his family found the situation amusing.

They uploaded a photo of the kitty and his note to Facebook with the comment “Gone 3 days, returning with debts” and a laughing smiley.

It’s fantastic that they’re okay with paying off the tabby’s bills because we’re betting this isn’t the last time he brings back a bill now that he knows how to get his hands on some tasty fish.

This story has made many people laugh out loud.

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After an adventure, this cat returns with a receipt for three fish… Read on to have some laugh…
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