Ten cats who were shocked to discover what their vets were doing to them… Watch here and enjoy…

If you have a cat (or a dog), you are probably aware of how tough it may be to transport them to the veterinarian. They may first seem friendly until they discover what is going on…

These adorable and amusing expressions are made on pets all around the world, as seen in the photos below…

Take a look at these and enjoy…

#1. I lost everything I had put my faith in. Now, I have no reason to go on.

#2. Don’t take me to the vet today, please! It’s my birthday.

#3. What exactly did they do to me? I was purrfectly OK and didn’t need any of it to begin with. These people believe they are very intelligent and can do whatever they want to.

#4. You did this to me despite the fact that I loved you with all my heart. Why would you ever consider it? What did I do to offend you?

#5. These beings have no compassion for us. They always do what they want.

#6. So, what exactly did that veterinarian do to me? No, I know that you’re fooling me. But, really, how exactly?

#7. I was correct about these people. They are constantly preoccupied with themselves. They are unconcerned about our happiness.

#8. How could you do such a thing to me? I’ve placed my faith in you. Do you have any idea what that word means?

#9. I’m done with people. I’m not going to see them again. Do they have any idea what it’s like to be me? At the very least, they should have gotten my permission.

#10. That’s exactly what they did to me. How could they have been so cold hearted? Right now, I’d want to escape.

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Ten cats who were shocked to discover what their vets were doing to them… Watch here and enjoy…
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