These animals see snow for the first time, and they have different feelings about it… Check out the photos for some fun…

Isn’t it wonderful to watch the first snowfall of the year? You get out of bed, peel back the sheets, and there’s a serene white snowfall that soothes your senses. Snow is wonderful; most of us, including animals, enjoy it.

Animals, in fact, enjoy snow even more than people. Cats, on the other hand, may not appreciate it as much as other animals. A list of creatures that appreciate snow as much as we do can be found below. Take a look at them, don’t you think they’re adorable?

1. This baby polar bear experienced his first snowfall

2. And this is the Persian cat’s first impression

3. The first snowfall in Kiora’s life

4. “Tasty snow I like it”

5. Jonesy’s first snow… a little bit confused

6. Running through the snow with a puppy

7. Her first Swedish winter was a complete shock

8. I don’t think he’s keen on the whole winter concept

9. Today was Flour’s first time seeing snow. She isn’t convinced

10. Finally a happy case

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These animals see snow for the first time, and they have different feelings about it… Check out the photos for some fun…
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