A man found his Persian cat spinning in the washing machince and it had been lasting 15 minutes… Read on to know about his condition here…

This is the face of Lulu, a grumpy cat who got stuck in a 40-degree wash and survived to tell the tale.

After going into the machine with owner Greg Morris’ back turned, the blue Persian became trapped.

Lulu miraculously survived the trauma owing to a quick-thinking neighbor, a dedicated veterinarian, and a fantastic staff from the University of Liverpool’s Leahurst veterinary hospital.

“I had been pretty busy getting ready to go away and had done four or five loads of washing,” Greg, from West Kirby, Wirral, explained.

“I realized I hadn’t seen the cat, who is generally always around my feet.”

“I went through all of the cupboards in the unit and even checked our neighbor’s flat to see if she had gone inside one of them.
Then it occurred to me that she was probably in the washing machine, which had been running for 10 to 15 minutes.
I turned it off, but I couldn’t open the door, and I could hear her sobbing inside.”

Greg and his neighbor used a hammer and chisel to smash open the washing machine door before bringing Lulu to Acorn Vets in West Kirby, where Rhiannon Mansell treated her.

“She wasn’t in a good mood at all,” he said. She was completely saturated, and her gaze was fixed on the ground. She was still breathing, though.

“They opened the surgery for us on a Sunday evening, and they were simply great.” They warned us that things weren’t looking good and that Lulu might have brain damage.

“The vet came out on a regular basis to give us updates. While they worked on her, we waited for what seemed like an eternity but was really three or four hours.”

Lulu was eventually stable enough to be transported to Leahurst. They put her into their intensive care unit and three days later she was able to come home.

Lulu, popularly known as The Scrunchie, has made a full recovery and is back at home with Greg and their other cat Coco, according to Greg.

“She’s entirely back to normal again, and she’s not even afraid of the washing machine – though I am now,” he said.

“My neighbor and Acorn Vets were amazing, and they saved her so quickly.” Everyone at Leahurst was also incredible.

“I know cats have nine lives, but I believe Lulu has already lost seven.”

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A man found his Persian cat spinning in the washing machince and it had been lasting 15 minutes… Read on to know about his condition here…
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