The photos of this fluffy cat refusing to cuddle with his owner will make you laugh a lot… Check out the hilarious photos to see for yourself…

Cats are not beggars, but choosers when it comes to attracting attention. It’s no surprise that humans find these small mammalian fluffballs difficult to resist. Cats appear to demand to be caressed, with their cute but stern expressions, magnificent fur, and exquisite poses. But don’t make this blunder, people. Cats, as the center of attention, rarely go without affection, and they get to choose when they want it.

Muji, a four-year-old Japanese cat, exemplifies the idea perfectly. Muji, despite being as sweet and wonderful as any other cat, takes his alone time very seriously and expresses it. Muji’s refusal of his owner’s embraces recently went popular on the internet, and many people, especially cat lovers, found it amusing and relatable. So, let’s have a look at what all the buzz was about.

For all of you baka gaijins out there, “tsundere” means “a character with a personality who is initially cold, stern, stoic, harsh, temperamental, hotheaded (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.”

A photo of Muji and its owner recently went viral on the internet.
When the owner approached to embrace him, he was just chilling on the counter.

Muji was anxious.

“OK, this is starting to get old.”

“Aaand I’m out”

“Please let me go; we’re done here.”

But what if Muji wasn’t in the mood at the time? Let’s give it another shot.

“I thought I told you, bro”

Makji, Muji’s ginger sibling cat, is Muji’s best friend.

Makji, as you can expect, irritates Muji as well.

“I feel his presence.”

“Stop interfering with my zen.”

Regardless of his appearance, Muji, like every other cat, craves warmth and affection.

Muji, on the other hand, likes to ask for snuggles, unlike other cats.

Don’t bother Muji while he’s meditating.

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The photos of this fluffy cat refusing to cuddle with his owner will make you laugh a lot… Check out the hilarious photos to see for yourself…
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