A sad note was left outside the shelter for an 18-year-old dropped off cat… Check out the photos to know the old cat’s lovely story…

An 18-year-old cat was left outside the shelter with a heartfelt note. The staff members discovered the cat in a cage when they came in the morning and immediately set out on a mission to locate her a new home.

The personnel at the Walter M. Crowe Animal Shelter in South Carolina were taken aback when they discovered Tori, an 18-year-old cat, waiting in a box at the door with a note attached to it. Her previous owners were unable to care for her, therefore she was surrendered to the shelter after hours.

Tori has a lot of difficulties using the litter box, according to the note, and has an overgrown toenail. Tori’s owner, who has a newborn child of her own, was no longer able to care for her.

When senior cats, like Tori, are surrendered to shelters at that age, their fate is uncertain. The staff at the Walter M. Crowe Animal Shelter was adamant about finding this aging cat a new forever home, which she so richly deserved.

“She is incredibly sweet, and we will do everything we can to help her, just as we will every other animal at our shelter.” However, we can only do so much as a refuge. “We’re hoping that someone will come forward to assist this infant,” the shelter stated on Facebook.

“She appears to be feeling much better after we took her to the vet and removed three embedded toenails from her paw!” Her nails had curled back into her paw pad after growing for so long. She is currently on antibiotics and has had all of her immunizations updated.”

Many people expressed interest in adopting Tori after they shared her story on Facebook.

Tori was adopted by a man named Dan not long after she was born.

“We are extremely thrilled to tell you that Tori has used her litter box three times!” Dan wrote later. She appears to be in a much better mood this morning!”

What a lovely story!

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A sad note was left outside the shelter for an 18-year-old dropped off cat… Check out the photos to know the old cat’s lovely story…
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