This brave cat doesn’t feel miserable being paralyzed, he finds some fun instead… Check out the photos to see for yourself…

Rexie’s two rear legs are completely paralyzed, making it hard for him to move anywhere without his handmade pink wheelchair.

He, on the other hand, does not allow this to stop him from being a very happy cat, and he is aided by his best friend, a ferret, of all things.

Rexie’s backbone is broken, and his nice legs are completely paralyzed.

On his Instagram page, he has a distinct personality — and a sizable fan base.

He has a fantastic wardrobe as well!

He also enjoys spending time with his ferret pal.

Because his back legs are paralyzed, he sits like a human.

He’s also a seasoned meditator.

Rexie is determined to live a full and happy life regardless of his disabilities!

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This brave cat doesn’t feel miserable being paralyzed, he finds some fun instead… Check out the photos to see for yourself…
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