These two little kittens were on the “dead-list” when… See the photos to know what happened to them…

Two motherless kittens were on the verge of being put to death, but their fate was changed when someone came to their aid, took them home, and gave them the life they deserved.

They were so small that they could both fit in the palm of one hand.

“Those two came from a local high-kill shelter as tiny infants. Flora and Dahlia are their names. All of the kittens we take in are from euthanasia lists. Saving Grace Rescue told the wonderful people at Love Meow, “This is a last-chance rescue.”

The kittens were taken in and placed in a foster home. They are required to be looked after 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Flora would wriggle her ears and knead the air with her small paws while receiving her first bottle from a volunteer.

Dahlia was completely white when she first arrived at the rescue, but her real colors gradually emerged.

The kittens would go out of their nest once their eyes were opened and begin learning to walk and explore.

They snatched the hearts of their foster parents, who couldn’t bear the thought of losing their two sister siblings.

Their foster parents are their fur-ever human companions!

They’ve been rescued for over a year now. Flora has matured into a stunning tabby cat, and Dahlia has reached adulthood! also, and what a stunning woman she is!

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These two little kittens were on the “dead-list” when… See the photos to know what happened to them…
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