This poor cat was ignored by everyone because of her appearance until… Check out the photos to know about her story…

Take a look at this unfortunate, deformed kitty. It was living on the streets of Istanbul, Turkey, and because of its ugly looks, no one paid attention to it. If it hadn’t been for a seven-year-old girl who took it to the vet, the poor animal would have died.

Because of its appearance, whenever neighboring travelers noticed the kitten, they ignored its calls for rescue. The seven-year-old girl, on the other hand, would never do such a thing. She brought the kitten to the veterinarian, and the staff was touched by her generosity.

The kitten was plainly disfigured and got infected with mice. The staff at the vet decided to try to reshape the poor kitten’s face. They were able to restore the roughest features of its face after a lengthy surgery.

Eventually, the kitten was adopted by the girl, who named it Gulumser. Gulumser now never leaves her human’s side and has been given the second opportunity she so richly deserves. Take a look at her now…grown she’s into a stunning feline.

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This poor cat was ignored by everyone because of her appearance until… Check out the photos to know about her story…
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