The owner designs nice outfits for her pet, but it’s not for fashion only… Check out the photos to know what special reason it has…

Cheddar often wears clothes when he says “cheese” for the camera, but this isn’t just a fashion statement.

The 6-year-old orange tabby from Chicago, Illinois, has had skin troubles since he entered owner Nykol Tolstych’s life, so the fashion designer came up with a novel solution.

“Cheddar is continually itching and licking himself till he bleeds,” Tolstych remarked. “I eventually located a vet who could run a blood test, which revealed he has 17 allergens.” Sadly, regular allergy injections, steroids, and antibiotics didn’t help Cheddar, and he’s needed sutures to treat his own wounds.

Hence, I keep him covered in garments and a cone to prevent him from harming his flesh.

The clothing protects the cat and the environment because they are manufactured from remnants from human enterprises.

“He often matches my outfits or garments I design for clients!” she said. “It’s a great method to reuse fabric leftovers and recycle cloth.”

“Cheddar is really docile and gentle, so the garments don’t bother him at all,” she continued. “I put his clothing on after I change his bandages, so it’s comparable to changing a baby’s diaper – he gets cranky occasionally, but he always ends up snuggling in a blanket.”

She went on to say that this flannel-wearing feline is otherwise healthy and active, saying that he enjoys playing fetch and follows the 23-year-old “around the house begging to be pet and loved.”

“I’ve been working all week on designing and producing my first run of little pet outfits,” she says, “and they’ll be available on my shop at sometime this weekend.” “I LOVE doing custom work, whether it’s for pets or people, and you can reach me at!”

What a fantastic invention!

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The owner designs nice outfits for her pet, but it’s not for fashion only… Check out the photos to know what special reason it has…
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