In Colombia a rare female albino Jaguarundi cub was rescued, but cannot go back to the wild life because of her status… Watch the video to know her story…

A rare albino jaguarundi cub has been rescued in Colombia. Surprisingly, this is the first time a cat of this type has been discovered in the South American country south of Panama. The pure white cat with pink eyes will now spend the rest of its days in Medellin, the “City of Eternal Spring,” at a conservation park.

The jaguarundi is a female. She was discovered outside of the metropolitan region of Aburrá Valley.

“The feline was rescued by authorities and a volunteer fire department. “It was around four hours from a city,” said Yuliany Duque, a veterinarian with the Amalfi Municipality. “Primary medical care will be provided to the animal once it arrives at our premises. And the appropriate authorities, in this case, the Corantioquia (region), will be notified for its later transfer to Medellin.”

Colombian veterinarians are now working around the clock to bring the youngster back to health. The cat would need to be kept in a cage since she would be vulnerable to predators, according to veterinarian Carlos Madrid.

“At this time, due to its albino status, this animal cannot be reintroduced into the wild,” Madrid said. “It is prone to certain health problems and has specific drawbacks when performing in the wild.” Such as the inability to camouflage itself, making it easier for its prey to spot it. As a result, the only option is for him to finish his life in a park-like this.”

Albino animals can survive in the wild in extremely uncommon circumstances. For example, in Olney, Illinois, a group of approximately 100 albino squirrels. White squirrels in Olney are protected by legislation to prevent vehicles from hitting them. Hunters, poachers, and the exotic pet trade have always targeted albino animals.

Watch her amazing video here;

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In Colombia a rare female albino Jaguarundi cub was rescued, but cannot go back to the wild life because of her status… Watch the video to know her story…
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