Rescuers hope this cat will run and play after a number of serious surgery… Watch the video to know about her condition…

Duncan came to the Esther Neonatal Kitten Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina, at the age of three weeks. Rescuers, there are passionate about assisting “underdogs,” or should we say “undercats,” who have suffered “the most horrific injuries.” Duncan was unfortunate enough to be born with severely twisted rear legs.

It’s fairly uncommon for kittens to have twisted legs, according to Alliance Director Andee Bingham. Duncan’s ailment, on the other hand, was exceptionally difficult to correct. His legs remained bent after four months of training with the cat.

“This year, we’ve helped over a dozen kittens with twisted legs,” Bingham says. “They normally come to us when they’re just a few days old when their legs are pliable enough that massage and physical therapy can straighten them.” Duncan’s legs, however, were already pretty stiff when we met him. We tried everything for months, including massage, physical therapy, aquatic treatment, and splinting, but nothing worked.”

Bingham took Duncan to see a variety of vets, surgeons, and experts after he arrived in March. None of them, however, had a strategy for repairing his legs. “To put it mildly,” Bingham says, “it was aggravating.” “Duncan had matured into such a sweet, kind young man. Everyone who met him was smitten. We simply wanted him to be able to live the life he deserved. The fact that there seemed to be no answers was upsetting.”

Finally, a specialist in Asheville presented a treatment plan in September, but it would be difficult. “The treatment and recuperation he proposed weren’t going to be simple,” Bingham says, “but it gave Duncan a decent chance of being able to run and play with his pals in the future.”

Duncan’s easygoing demeanor, fortunately, aided him greatly in dealing with what followed. In the meantime, despite everything, he was having a good time. “Duncan had a lot of fun with a ribbon!” If he can’t get to the fun on his own, we’ll bring the fun to him! We’re still waiting for word from the surgeon on when his leg surgery will take place, but it should be within the next week or two.”


Duncan spent some time in the grass and playing like any other cat until surgery was scheduled for October. “He was laying in the grass today, batting at bugs and enjoying the breeze on his face. He’ll be zooming all over the place before we know it, so we’re taking advantage of the fact that we can bring him outside without him becoming a flight risk.”

Duncan then had two leg-straightening procedures, one a month apart. He was in a cast for a long time after the procedure. Duncan handled himself like a pro each time, rapidly recovering. Then came physical therapy on a daily basis.

Duncan had never been able to stand before surgery. His foster mother worked with him to help him get used to standing and gradually improve his leg muscles.

Duncan is now learning in small steps, but each one strengthens him.
Duncan playing with the other cats will be the real reward for Bingham.

Watch this cute’s video below;

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Rescuers hope this cat will run and play after a number of serious surgery… Watch the video to know about her condition…
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