This kitty can’t stop smiling because… Watch the photos and scroll for a beautiful story here…

Our cats, according to experts, do not grin. In fact, they claim that the traits that mimic smiling are really symptoms of the polar opposite: “Cats have the capacity to generate facial expressions that resemble smiles, but it has nothing to do with joy! … Curled lips, a tilted head, and squinted eyes – all of which might seem to be smiling – characterize this behavior.”

Not long ago, one very gorgeous cat went to the beach and seemed to be unhappy about the entire situation, but it turned out that the cat adored the beach. Today, we’re looking at a cat whose owners claim he likes the seashore, but whose facial expressions indicate otherwise.

A couple was relaxing on the beach when they came across a kitten relaxing on the sand with her human companion. When they approached the cat, they saw that it seemed to be delighted about something and spoke about it with the owner.

Semsema Mahmoud said on Facebook, “Cat owner claims it’s her first time going to the beach.” The kitty’s owner, it turned out, had let her play on the beach for the first time, and she couldn’t stop grinning.

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This kitty can’t stop smiling because… Watch the photos and scroll for a beautiful story here…
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