This cat doesn’t stop cuddling hiw owner’s hand since that day… Read on to know why, it’s adorable…

The touching story was provided by Ridureyu, an Imgur user. He came to find a scrawny, scared kitten with no home in his neighborhood about five years ago.

He decided to feed the little one, and she approached him after eating her meal.

“I wasn’t a cat person at the time,” Ridureyu explained, “but I had a concept of how to approach cats.”

After that, the cat decided to see if the hoo-man was still alive.

The man decided to bring the cat inside his house to see what would happen. She got up on the couch, snuggled his arm, and fell asleep purring within five minutes after entering.

He couldn’t get the cat to stop cuddling his arm.

He took her to the doctor right away for a checkup and to see if anyone had claimed her, but no one had.

He chose the name Bossy for the cat, and the two have been inseparable ever since.

One thing has remained constant over the years: Bossy still cuddles his arm.

She’s undoubtedly under the impression that his arm exists just to serve her!

She only does this for a short time before returning to arm-cuddling. That’s really lovely!

What an adorable couple they make!

Imgur Ridureyu went on to say that Bossy saved him from depression, which is understandable given how therapeutic animals can be.

Pet parents are generally happier and more content and not as lonely, and tend to be more trusting. Companion animals can also surely give you a sense of meaning and boost your self-esteem, and they provide you with positive mental energy, to get technical – they do precisely that by raising serotonin and dopamine levels while decreasing cortisol, just from playing or having a snuggle session.

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This cat doesn’t stop cuddling hiw owner’s hand since that day… Read on to know why, it’s adorable…
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