This survivor cat with no hind legs is not hindered by anything… Check out the photos to see for yourself…

Magic is a one-of-a-kind cat with no hind legs. This, however, appears to have no effect on him!

Magic was only six weeks old when he arrived at Friends Of Felines Rescue Center in Defiance, Ohio.

“He had been at a rescue,” FFRC director Jacci Moss explained, “but owing to his severe leg deformity, FFRC was requested to help him.” We drove down to get him and came back already smitten with him.”

Jacci looked after him admirably.

“He was bottle-fed, tested, wormed, and vet-checked,” says the owner.

“Magic’s back legs were so malformed that they looked like a pretzel,” Jacci explained. “This caused him a lot of difficulties when he wanted to go potty.”

His rear legs and tail were entirely removed by the veterinarians.

“He went from having to deal with those painful back legs to a zooming cat.”

Magic also met Trucker, a cat with whom he shares a lot of interests!

Of course, the two of them become best friends and do everything together.

“These two cats have a real bond,” Jacci observed.

Magic has mastered the usage of the litterbox on his own and can now move around quickly thanks to his incredibly powerful front legs.

Magic has made a permanent home at FFRC. He’s two years old and a very happy, well-adjusted cat!

“He’s like a beacon to us,” Jacci said, “telling us that no matter what life throws at you, you can deal with it.”

“A few of our kitties have special needs. Cats have a way of figuring things out… They don’t waste time wallowing in self-pity; instead, they get on with the business of living and having a great time doing it! They’re wonderful and lovely in their thoughts, just the way they are!”

“I know Magic has inspired many people—they’ve told us how he gives them the strength to keep going,” Jacci continued.

“With his head held high, he sits straight up and pumps his front legs full speed ahead!”

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This survivor cat with no hind legs is not hindered by anything… Check out the photos to see for yourself…
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