This cute cat has an unusual friend he loves a lot…Watch the video of their sweet friendship…

A rescue kitty made an uncommon and strange companion in the garden, where the two were observed playing for around 20 minutes.

Paul Mealey of Westport, Ireland, noticed his two-year-old rescue cat Lala playing in the garden, but he wasn’t expecting to see who she was keeping company with. His tortie cat was playing with a tiny little mouse, of all things.

He promptly grabbed his camera and snapped a few shots of this memorable event.

“In the late summer sunshine, they were playing extremely happy together,” Mealey added.

“In the end, the mouse simply scurried away, and Lala seemed ecstatic to have found a new friend.”

In life, the best combinations are frequently the most improbable.

Another cat and his hamster pal can be seen in this video.

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This cute cat has an unusual friend he loves a lot…Watch the video of their sweet friendship…
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