The only way these kittens with crooked legs will be able to grow strong and walk one day is… Continue reading to find out more…

Some kittens, like humans, need medical assistance in order to grow healthy. A litter of six kittens was recently discovered on the streets of Los Angeles by rescuers. Malbec, Burgundy, Pinot0, Chanti, Merlot, and Cabernet are their names. They were just three weeks old when they were rescued, and following a vet examination, it was discovered that their legs were crooked. The kittens required medical attention and were sent to a Culver City joint and bone animal facility.

Those suffering with carpal laxity syndrome have received an official diagnosis for their condition. It is an uncommon bone disorder that is most often found in kittens. Despite the fact that there is no known etiology for the condition, there is a “treatment” available. The kittens needed casts in order for their legs to develop correctly, and they were fortunate enough to get them.

Their legs should be alright now, but they will need to be checked on a frequent basis. The kittens are quite energetic and sweet, which is fantastic news. The animal shelter workers would want to remove the casts as soon as possible and hope that the kittens’ legs get stronger.

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The only way these kittens with crooked legs will be able to grow strong and walk one day is… Continue reading to find out more…
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