You will not believe what this church cat did just to take a nap… Check out the photos for some hilarious moments…

A cute feline appears to have discovered a pleasant spot for a nap… except that it was previously occupied by someone else.

As a result, the cat did what any cat would do: he claimed the bed as his own.

Kate Bottley stated on Twitter that “our baby Jesus is currently in the fruit dish… waiting.”

So far, the tweet has received tens of thousands of retweets and shares… It’s only going to become bigger from here.

They couldn’t help but chuckle and take a picture because the manager was intended for the toddler nativity play. They had no idea how much the internet would adore it.

The cat is a resident of a nearby church and is adored by everyone who visits. Although Baby Jesus was unable to respond, we’re sure he didn’t mind.

“At this point, I’m the messiah.” May you be at peace… “Give me some fishy goodies,” says the narrator.

Are we astounded?

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You will not believe what this church cat did just to take a nap… Check out the photos for some hilarious moments…
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