Why does such an adorable kitten have a crooked jaw? You won’t believe, but…

Meet Duchess, a Siamese cat that had a rocky start in life and is now thriving. She was discovered as a stray with a fractured jaw as a result of being struck by a vehicle. Thanks to the kindness of others, she was transported to the Adobe Animal Hospital and Clinic in Texas, where she received the therapy and medical attention she so sorely required.

Her jaw had been broken by the car’s accident, and given the state of her health, most other facilities would have decided to euthanize her.” Crystal Tate, a member of the animal hospital’s staff, shared her thoughts. The medical professionals, on the other hand, didn’t give up on her and successfully restored her jaw.

However, despite the fact that Duchess had had a successful operation, she would never be able to feed normally again since her jaw had been crushed and she only had a few teeth remaining. She remained at the facility for a month after the operation to allow her to heal. She had to eat via a feeding tube and take a variety of medicines as a result of her condition.

Despite everything, Crystal fell in love with Duchess and wanted to provide her with a permanent home. In fact, I would spend time with her every single day, caressing her and talking to her, and when the doctors asked me if I would be willing to take her into my house a few weeks later, I knew right away that we had been put together for one other’s benefit.

With the addition of Joshua, a Siberian Husky, Duchess’s cat brother, Oliver, and a bichon called Peaches, Duchess has formed a new family in Crystal’s house. She loves being a part of a family and spends her days spending as much time as she can with them.

Having finally found a permanent home for Duchess after all she’s gone through is a fantastic development. Despite the fact that Duchess required a few more medical treatments after moving into Crystal’s house, she has been growing stronger with each passing day since she knows she is surrounded by a caring family.

Thanks for reading! Share the great story of this cute survivor with your friends on social media.

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Why does such an adorable kitten have a crooked jaw? You won’t believe, but…
A litter of kittens discovered crying in a trash bag has been rescued and. . .