15 cute cats with impressive murder mittens… Watch the photos here…

1. Izzy just discovered that she’s a cat

2. 2-day old murder mittens.

3. “He is mine!”

4. “He is mine!”

5. Give me a hug! I promise it won’t hurt!

6. Don’t mess with the mother.

7. The very smallest murder feet.

8. Good morning, Murder Mittens.

9. Meet Uno. He’s basically a Bond Villain.

10. Holding paws with a side of claws.

11. Epic mits.

12. Presenting a solo murder mitten.

13. Lucipurr.

14. Discovering her deadly mittens.

15. Mr. Bob shows off his weaponry while getting a good stretch in…

Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

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15 cute cats with impressive murder mittens… Watch the photos here…
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