A tiny kitten meets her new dog siblings, and her reaction is the cutest thing you’ll see today on the internet… Watch below…

When you meet someone for the first time, it creates an indelible impact on your memory. It is the same for both humans and animals. Their expressions might be hilarious whenever they meet someone for the first time. This cat, as shown in the photos, may be little, but her response when she first sees her dog’s siblings and sisters is amusing.

Welcome Nimbus. When Sam Gerth adopted Nimbus, she was the runt of the litter. She was discovered in the street, coated in oil and filth, because she was too little to walk. Nimbus would have perished if it hadn’t been for Sam.

Sam quickly bathed the cat and placed her in front of a heater to warm her up. She was freezing to the bone, and after approximately 45 minutes, she eventually fell asleep. The family intended to put the cat up for adoption at first, but she became close to their hearts over time. They already had two dogs and two cats, and it turned out that they were instrumental in the adoption of Nimbus.

Nimbus showed no reaction as she saw her new siblings for the first time. Although the small fluff was scared, they got along pretty smoothly. Sam’s dogs and cats are devoted siblings, and Nimbus is a courageous young kitten. They became best new buddies after a few days.

Zep, one of the dogs, spends all day cuddling with Nimbus. Nimbus is enjoying the life of her dreams now that she is a new member of the pet-friendly household. Just as she is entitled to.

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A tiny kitten meets her new dog siblings, and her reaction is the cutest thing you’ll see today on the internet… Watch below…
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