A street cat who has lived in perfect harmony with his girlfriend his entire life did not abandon her in terrible trouble…

It’s heartbreaking, but it’s a sad incident from South Korea that occurred recently. This situation was well-publicized, and it was even discussed on television. So, what went wrong? More on that later.

Khabi, the male cat, and Horang, the female cat, were regular city cats. This couple has been together for a very long time. The male and female cats were madly in love, had a strong affection for one another, and never left each other. This couple was frequently seen eating, walking, and lying in the sun by many in the neighborhood. It’s better and more comfortable to be around others than it is to be alone. It’s a lot easier to survive the winter cold together.

Horang had an accident one day. The cat was hit by a car, and her hind limbs were damaged. The cat arrived at her habitat in a condition of shock, laid down, and could no longer stand on her own.

Khabi the cat went out of his way to assist his beloved girlfriend. He shielded her from other animals, fed her, and warmed her with his presence. Not everyone can look after a cat as well as this magnificent feline. His dedication is admirable.

Khabi once asked a woman selling in the market for a portion of wonderful food. She’d treated the cat several times before noticing that he was escaping with food. The woman decided to pursue the cat and track it down. She cried tears of joy as she tracked him down and discovered his secret. Khabi had been feeding and caring for a defenseless partner all of this time, it came out.

Animal photos were taken by the woman. She requested people to support this couple by posting on social media. These posts got a lot of caring responses. Representatives from one of the animal welfare organizations came to take the cats away. The restoration of Horang’s paws was aided. Khabi, too, received help.

Since this couple’s online fame grew, a number of people expressed interest in adopting the animals. It’s unclear whether they were adopted by the same person or live with different persons, but the cats appear to be in good health.

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A street cat who has lived in perfect harmony with his girlfriend his entire life did not abandon her in terrible trouble…
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