The man sacrified something important to save a cat’s life… Watch the dramatic video to see how…

This cat lover from Taiwan told he came to a standstill when he noticed a kitten stranded high up in a tree along the side of a bridge. When he attempted to rescue the kitten by climbing up the tree, the kitten flew away and fell into the river below.

To prevent the kitten from drowning, the man dove into the river. The terrified, drenched kitten bolted from her savior, rapidly hiding inside his Mercedes motor to hide. The kitten refused to come out no matter how hard the man and other rescuers tried.

The determined man then had his car taken to the local dealership, where the engine was removed and the kitty within was freed.

After being liberated, the kitten was dried up, fed, and sent to the veterinarian.

“The real work would be convincing my fiancée to let him keep it,” Joe shrugged when questioned about all the time and effort he put into rescuing one kitten.

According to the latest information, the man did adopt the kitten and bring her home.

Watch the dramatic video of the man’s Mercedes being destroyed in order to liberate the imprisoned cat.

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The man sacrified something important to save a cat’s life… Watch the dramatic video to see how…
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