You’ll never guess what these cats were doing during the quarantine… Watch here…

Some of our cats and dogs have been wondering why we’ve been spending so much time at home for the past year (and then some). While our dogs are overjoyed, our cats have some concerns.

Seriously, cats appear to be among the most disturbed by the sudden increase in human presence, and the hashtag #QuarantineCats was created as a result. If you know cats, the hashtag is about as hysterical as you’d imagine it to be when it comes to cats.

Cats are one-of-a-kind, but some cat behavior is universal. People have been sharing their ‘cats in quarantine’ tales, and we’ve compiled a list of some of the best below.

1. Like a prof




5. “I do it for your safety”


7. Social-distancing of cats



10. Quarantine bobcat

11. “Only not the toilet paper”


13. She knows what’s required to do


15. They predicted what’s coming

16. |Sure, I’m “working” from home”


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You’ll never guess what these cats were doing during the quarantine… Watch here…
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