Cats who simply do what they want, without asking permission… See some real examples here…

As a cat owner, you will have to tell your cat numerous times, “Stop doing that.” Our adventurous cats, on the other hand, are not obedient children. They still trash your furniture while you’re asleep, smash your glass, rip your toilet paper to bits, and take food from your bowl, no matter what you say. They are autonomous animals that do not want to wait for someone else’s permission to do what they desire.

And confess you never get bored seeing their photos acting naughty. So, we’ve prepared 20 images of cats who don’t bother to ask permission before doing something.

1. “It was a massacre! Below is a photo of the suspect”.

2. “She’s grace and beauty, a new set of curtains to replace.”

3. “Thank you kitty for hair on my clothes”

4. “We thought having a cone collar fitted at the vet was bad enough, but then the dog had to come home to the cat”.

5. Only boss in the house

6. “Because my cat was being annoying, I locked him in the bathroom while I prepared lunch. It was time for revenge”

7. “I didn’t want to finish it anyway.”

8. “I want your petting human”

9. “I’m your one and only priority”

10. “She does this every morning”

11. “I fit, I can sit”

12. “Everything I missed to make the day brighter”

13. I don’t need anyone’s permission.

14. “Your homework is done, go give me food”

15. “His favorite location to nap is in the bathroom doorway… We’ve all accepted it and are now using the restroom with the lid open.”

16. Why so rude

17. I wonder, who could have done this

18. No laws of physics can stop me!

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Cats who simply do what they want, without asking permission… See some real examples here…
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