After hearing the desperate cry for help, the man couldn’t resist (Video)…

After finishing his job, a man was driving, when he heard some really desperate meows coming from the fence by the wayside.

He decided to pull over to the side of the road to see what was going on. As he got closer to the barrier, he noticed a poor kitten that was in serious distress. The cat was stuck at the fence, and getting him out wasn’t simple!

He immediately dialed 911 for assistance, but after waiting a few hours, no one arrived. Finally, he decided to take the kitty to the Arizona Humane Society to help him.

The kitten underwent jaw and paw surgery and is currently doing quite well. Thankfully, the man informed the humane society that he intended to adopt Freeway, the cat he named.

Watch the touching video below!

This is a fantastic story. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about his excellent deed!

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After hearing the desperate cry for help, the man couldn’t resist (Video)…
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