On the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, a study discovered 111 cats living in horrible conditions. When rescuing the felines, Cleveland Animal Protective League officers had to wear a white hazmat suit that covered their entire body. They claimed the residence was too unclean for them to live in. Additionally, three deceased cats were removed.
Every year, 3,500 incidents of animal hoarding are discovered by authorized investigations. Eighty percent of them are living with sick, dying, or deceased animals, and seventy percent of them are alone. Cleveland APL officials underlined that any inappropriate treatment or abuse of animals is prohibited, as part of their efforts to enforce Ohio’s animal protection laws. It mostly consists of a lack of food, water, shelter, and veterinary treatment.
These cats are currently being cared for at the Cleveland APL rescue facility, where they will rehabilitate until they are ready for adoption. For adult cats and kittens, the charge is decreased to $10 and $25, respectively. The Cleveland APL’s Second Chance Program’s online portal is also collecting donations.
Please call the Cleveland APL hotline at 216-377-1630 if you know of any suspected cases of animal mistreatment or abuse.
Thanks for reading!