A possum bit off a kitty’s ear, but she is grateful to be alive and well… Read on to know what happened later…

Melanie Rose’s life was turned upside down one fateful morning when she heard a cat cry outside her Texas house. She rushed into action, dashing out of the home in her pajamas to check what was going on, fearful of the worst. She couldn’t say anything about what she saw…

Before Melanie could get out of the house, she saw something scramble underneath her vehicle. On my hands and knees, I saw only white… As she remembered later, “I didn’t know what that was.” Finally, she recognized what was going on as she got closer and saw the adorable white cat in its jaws! Melanie’s reaction was understandable.

She’d never heard of opossums creating difficulties, much less assaulting other animals, until this incident. Asked what occurred, she answered, “We have a lot of possums, but we don’t detest them.” In the end, Melanie got the opossum to let go of the terrified kitten. Melanie picked up the white cat and carried her to a neighboring fence to investigate what had happened.

To save the terrified kitty, she dashed inside the house and cleaned her up. Her heart was broken by what she witnessed next…

Melanie saw right away that the cat had one of her ears missing. “The opossum cut her ear off,” she said. Melanie’s heart sank to her stomach at the sight of the plight of the cat. Hope remained, even after the kitten’s ear had been permanently removed.

Melanie breathed a sigh of relief as she examined the cat and saw no life-threatening injuries. Melanie said, “She was really messy and a bit bloodied, but happily, she didn’t have any further injuries.”

Aside from her amputated ear, the cat had just a few minor scratches, which her new mother gladly attended to. Penelope, or Penny for short, was Melanie’s new little princess’s name. Penny’s new permanent family welcomed her on the first day of her existence.

Penny didn’t need any extra care since her wounds were all reasonably clean.  Her ear did, in fact, heal on its own after some time. Penny just needed a little time and love to help her create a lovely trans-furr-mation!  Melanie said, “When her ear healed, it closed up, so her ear canal is entirely sealed.”

Penny now has some difficulty with directional hearing as a result of the way her ear recovered.

“A lot of the time, if she hears something, she won’t know where it’s coming from,” Melanie said. Thankfully, this was simply a small problem. Penny never allowed a little hearing impairment to get in the way of enjoying her best life. Penny eventually came out of her shell and blossomed into the lovely, vivacious kitty she was supposed to be.

Melanie and Penny are both grateful that fate brought them together on that fateful morning. Penny now has a lifetime of beautiful memories to create with Melanie and Henry, her cat brother.

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A possum bit off a kitty’s ear, but she is grateful to be alive and well… Read on to know what happened later…
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