A kind stranger rescued a severely wounded cat trapped in a fence… Watch the video here…

After completing his work, a guy was driving his vehicle when he heard some really frantic meows coming from behind a fence at the side of the road. He made the decision to pull over to the side of the road to see what was going on.

Then, when he got closer to the barrier, there noticed an unfortunate kitten that was in serious distress. The cat had been entrapped in the fence, and pulling him out proved to be difficult.

The first thing he did was dial 911 to summon assistance, but he had to wait for many hours before anybody arrived. Finally, he made the decision to assist the kitten personally and brought the cat to the Arizona Humane Society for adoption.

The kitten had surgery for his jaw and paws, and he is currently doing very well. Fortunately, the guy informed the humane organization that he want to adopt the cat, which he called Freeway, and the cat was adopted.

This is a fantastic story of rescue and adoption. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about his excellent act of kindness by sharing the post on Facebook.

Watch the video here:

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A kind stranger rescued a severely wounded cat trapped in a fence… Watch the video here…
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