An orphaned grey kitten found his way to Community Cat Club, a cat rescue organization situated in southern New Jersey, with the hopes of finding a new home. As Sara Sharp, president and founder of Community Cat Club, said in an interview, “He came to us after being discovered on a military post all alone.”
When the rescuers arrived, they immediately saw his chest abnormality. Despite this, the kitten, called Leroy, was a pleasure from the beginning, consuming his food to his heart’s content and soaking up all of the affection from his foster mother and father.
“There are some clear flaws in Leroy’s character. We want to do all in our power to assist him in any way we can.”
He was discovered all alone and sent to the Community Cat Club in South Carolina.
Pectus excavatum, a congenital abnormality of the chest wall, was discovered and diagnosed by the veterinarians who took care of the cat. “He does, in fact, have pectus excavatum, just as I expected. This was verified by X-rays taken at our veterinarian’s office.”
In Leroy’s instance, surgery would be required to fix the situation due to the severity of his ailment.
He had to wear a cast (which looked like a kitty-sized corset) for a few days in order to let his chest develop into the proper form after the surgery. Leroy had surgery at Wissahickon Creek Vet Hospital on November 3rd, which proved to be life-saving in the end.
“This operation was desperately required, and we had to do it with him weighing only one pound since (the ailment) was impairing his breathing and causing his heart to be pinned to one side.”
“This young man is a fierce combatant! Because of his weight, he had to go through this quite extensive operation. He is little, yet he is powerful.”
After just a few moments, Leroy was back up on his paws and eager to play, as if nothing had occurred. This warrior kitten didn’t allow anything to get in the way of his enjoyment.
After returning to the veterinarian for a checkup, the pint-sized miracle far surpassed everyone’s expectations in terms of his development. “His respiration rates are really excellent, and the veterinarian, Dr. Yard, has advised us to keep doing whatever we’re doing.”
Leroy is a beacon of sunshine to everyone he comes into contact with, whether they are human or furry. He’s made a buddy in another foster kitty named Poppy, and the two of them are now doing everything together.
“They are completely smitten with one other, and they will be spending a lot of time together over the next six weeks,” Sara added. “They are crazy with each other. Leroy is the cutest little kitten you’ve ever met, and you’d never guess he had a medical condition if you didn’t know what it was. Since the day I brought him home, all he’d wanted was to be loved.”
“He continues to go about and play as if nothing has occurred. He enjoys spending time with his closest buddy, Poppy, sleeping on a comfortable bed, and eating wet food.”
Watch the video below: