After being rescued from wildfires, a feral tomcat astonished his rescuers by deciding to become a surrogate father to three kittens.
The British Columbia wildfires captured and rescued 18 feral cats and kittens on August 1. They arrived to TinyKittens in Langley, British Columbia, an animal rescue group.
Dee, a kind lady, walked into the evacuation zones and captured all of the cats, bringing them to safety. They put them in foster care, and it wasn’t long before they discovered that one of the tomcats had a strong paternal inclination for several of the kittens. He began grooming them and allowing them to “nurse” as well.
Elliott is a feral tomcat that was rescued from the wildfires in British Columbia. We’ve never seen anything like this before, and it makes us wonder whether this is how Grandpa Mason (another wild tomcat) and his kittens got their start all those years ago.
Elliott treats the kitties with such gentleness. He makes sure they’re constantly tidy and puts up with their antics. Elliott adopted the stray kittens as his own since they were missing their mother.
Take a look at this cute video: