A woman adopted a kitten with big eyes and soon realized how unique he is… Read the full story below…

Every day, millions of pets are abandoned, but this time it is the start of a wonderful story with a beautiful conclusion. Such was the situation with Porg, a particularly unusual kitty. The poor kitten was dumped in a cardboard box on a woman’s doorstep in the Chicago suburbs.

The lady was surprised to discover an abandoned cat inside the package when she opened it. The kitten was filthy and underweight, weighing little over a pound. He also had a major wound on his neck and a pair of enormously wide eyes. She hurried the kitten to her veterinarian’s emergency room for medical treatment and evaluation.

The kitten was timid at first, but after a short period of time, he got more sociable and lively. Elise Hall, a veterinarian, chose to keep the cat until he is ready to find a permanent home. Porg is the name she gave him after a Star Wars creature with huge eyes.

Grooming or scratching his ears or neck produced big scratches on the unfortunate kitten’s skin, and after further study, they discovered he had Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a biological illness. Porg dresses up a lot for this purpose. Clothing has aided in the protection of his skin and the comfort of his surroundings.

Porg is a kind, lively, and amusing kitten who has found a wonderful home. He was welcomed into the family right away, and Elise has no intention of letting him leave.

His large eyes give him a distinct aspect that makes people fall in love with him right away.

Porg’s Instagram feed is a great place to view more of his everyday travels.

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A woman adopted a kitten with big eyes and soon realized how unique he is… Read the full story below…
This little kitty was thrown into a trash to die… Read on to know her story…