A kitten found alone in National Park, now is…. Read the full story to know more…

To make up for a lost time, a tabby kitten found by himself in a national park now clings to his owners all day and night.

Jenny Storaker, the co-director of CatRescue 901 (in Sydney), got a call from a young man who works for national parks two weeks ago. A little tabby kitten had been separated from its mother and was wandering aimlessly. He was a small kitten who required constant supervision.

When no one arrived to claim him, the worker sought assistance. “The kitten was found about 300 meters (328 yards) within the Blue Mountains National Park (in Australia). I decided to accompany him “Jenny told in an interview about her experience.

“Despite the fact that he was only three weeks old, it was evident he had been abandoned as soon as I brought him home and fed him. He was nice and not in the least bit afraid.”

Jenny requested that the staff look for the mother cat or any additional kittens, but they were unable to locate any.

Gordon, the small tabby, soon made himself at home with his foster family after receiving a full tummy. To keep him company, they gave him a cuddly bear with a heartbeat.

Gordon, on the other hand, made it obvious that he wanted to be close to his people at all times.

He curled up to his companion after each meal, reclined on their chest or shoulder, and promptly fell asleep. His stomach was full, and he didn’t have to be concerned about his safety.

Gordon crawled his way into his foster father’s arms and made it his chosen “bed” for naps, despite the fact that he had plenty of soft items to lie on.

The tabby was openly seeking attention as if making up for the time he had spent alone outdoors. When he was picked up, he would melt into his people’s arms and win their hearts.

Gordon learned how to use the litter box with Jenny’s help over the following several days, and he even tried large cat food on his own. He became more playful as his legs became firmer, and his personality started to emerge.

The tabby youngster is desperate not to be alone again after the trauma, clinging to his people whenever he gets the opportunity. Jenny told in an interview, “Gordon is the nicest little gentleman who likes napping on my husband’s arm when he’s weary.”

He has no problems about demanding attention or climbing upon his subjects to get up close and personal. Gordon is growing by leaps and bounds, and becoming more exuberant by the day, thanks to healthy food, adequate care, and lots of love.

When the tabby and another kitten his age, called Rita, are ready for a meet-and-greet this weekend, they will be introduced to one another.

For the time being, Gordon has claimed every lap and hug in the home, continuously snuggling and filling the room with his rumbling purrs.

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