With his series on “Crazy Cat Men” a photographer defies the stereotype of the “Crazy Cat Lady”…

What is it about cats that makes us think of them as being associated with women? Because, after all, how often do you hear the phrase “mad cat man,” as opposed to the phrase “crazy cat lady?”

It appears that cats are perceived as being a more feminine species, with images of them, in particular, being seen as predominantly female activities that men simply do not participate in. David Williams, a photographer from New York, on the other hand, is of the opposite opinion. This is precisely the stereotype that David is attempting to shatter with his series “Men & Cats.”

In his words, “I wanted to demonstrate that cat companionship can bring delight to anyone, regardless of their gender.” Continue reading to see some of the finest connections between men and their cats that have ever been captured on film!


#1 Chillin' With a Mate


#2 Green Chair, Don't Care


#3 What's On My Neck?


#4 All Fur


#5 Kitchen Hangs


#10 Three's Company


#9 Who Needs a Dog?


#8 Band Mates


#7 He Likes It


#6 Porch Chats

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With his series on “Crazy Cat Men” a photographer defies the stereotype of the “Crazy Cat Lady”…
A lost cat was found twice his original size… You won’t believe why!