Weasley, a ginger moggie, and Spock, an English pointer, have lately made headlines after volunteering towards becoming regular blood donors in their communities. The fact that animals may be blood donors is something that is fairly uncommon, but these guys are living evidence that they do exist. Weasley has previously given blood ten times, while Spock has donated blood six times in his life…
But is there a reward for it?
These best friends are only involved in helping animals in need. Owners Mandie Pannel and Thomas Mills claim that their moggie is a fan of the procedure and that he even purrs during the process. Weasley is the more courageous of the two. He watches after Spock as well as the family’s smaller cat, who hasn’t yet broken his blood donor maiden, according to Spock.
Weasley was nominated by his mother for the Petplan Pet Awards in the Hero Cat category in recognition of his achievements. He’s made it to the finals, and Mandie hopes that the word will get out to other cat owners that cats can give blood as well as dogs and humans.
Thomas gave Mandie Weasley as a birthday present on her 31st birthday. At the time, they already had Spock on board. Weasley returned home one day in 2018 with a sprained leg. He had lost a significant amount of blood, and Mandie had to take him to the veterinarian. It was obvious that he need blood transfusions, and she was disappointed that there aren’t enough animal blood donors available to help.
Following that traumatic episode, from which Weasley completely recovered, she registered both of her pets as blood donors. It’s a choice she’ll never look back on with regret. We hope that in the future, Weasley and Spock will be able to rescue the lives of many more creatures.